Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Miscellaneous pictures

This is our Senior Missionary Family Home Evening group. We were singing "Love is Spoken Here," which has a men and women's part. Therefore, we had 2 directors, one for the men and one for the women. I was playing the keyboard. Chris took the picture from the back of the room. This is one of the conference rooms in the Area Office. We really enjoy our Family Home Evening group of friends. 
Bev Winegarden, Liz Liljenquist and me singing "Press Forward Saints" during our Zone Conference.on Oct. 17, 2017.   All three of our husbands serve in the Legal Department. Therefore, we call ourselves "The Legal Sisters." Unfortunately, Liz is leaving soon and will leave us without our soprano. Bev sings alto and I supply the tenor part.
Liz Liljenquist and me in our African fabric outfits. They were made by Bernice, our dear friend who sews beautifully.
Just finishing making a pie crust for a pecan pie. 
Chris and I helped these 2 sisters in their Sunday School Gospel Literacy class.  They were both so sweet and grateful for our help. 
This is Phyllis, my prize Literacy student! She is the sweetest  person and I love her to pieces! We meet every week and she has such a desire to improve in her reading and writing skills. Her confidence level has already improved just since I have been working with her. 
This is Ishmael, another one of my Literacy students. He is  such a wonderful young man!  He is always happy and has the brightest smile! I love working with him.

I couldn't resist taking these pictures of signs in public restrooms.  I found them very interesting!


  1. I love the beautiful fabric and so many smiles! So happy to see you both using your talents and loving personalities as you help the sweet people of Ghana!

  2. Enjoying reading your Blog. You are having such great experiences and meeting great people. I just love the fabric and all the colors. Some real talent there. You will have to get proficient at dying and teach us how when you come home. Miss you at the temple.

  3. Should let you know that B&E are Eraths
