Sunday, September 10, 2017

Ben O'Brien arrives at MTC in Ghana

Ben O'brien with his first companion at MTC.  Ben arrived late 7 September 2017 and this was taken the 8th.  Ben and his fellow Elders are dead tired with jet lag but are about to undergo a morning of checking their papers, medicines and other preliminary stuff before they get down to the business of learning how to share the gospel.  Ben will be here 5-6 weeks as he gets a crash course in French before being sent to his area in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

I am not sure who is happier to see who!! What chance of meeting up with our  friend and neighbor as he is off to serve in a different part of Africa?  I think we were Ben's second employer (his dad was his first) as Ben has mowed our lawn for several years.  We have been in the same Ward since Ben was a very young boy and I had the honor of being his bishop many moons ago!  

Elder O'brien is one of 170 new missionaries who arrived the same day.  To handle the many different things to get them settled, Linda and I along with about 7 other couples helped with their "intake" process for half of the day.

Ben is in the middle of the bunch.  The 18 second video below has the bunch singing Called to Serve.  Someone get a tissue for the O'briens as they look for Ben in the middle!

 Listen to "Call to Serve"  18 seconds
Elder O'brien and Elder Paskett.  Linda introduced these guys as Paskett is friends with the Hancocks who used to attend our Ward in Crestwood.

My small job in the "intake" process was checking some documents the missionaries brought.  Yes, Ben had his act together (no doubt because his mom made sure he did!).  So far, the morning I got to work near this group of young men and women, has been the most enjoyable for me.  It far exceeds the review of contract to purchase real estate so we can build a meetinghouse!!:)


  1. So cool seeing this guy hitting the mission field and even cooler that he got to see the two of you! Onward!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My gratitude for you all, and for our Heavenly Father for this tender mercy of sending my son to be welcomed by his former employers, home teachers and friends is overflowing. Thank you Wakilds!!!! We love and miss you!!!

  4. My gratitude for you all, and for our Heavenly Father for this tender mercy of sending my son to be welcomed by his former employers, home teachers and friends is overflowing. Thank you Wakilds!!!! We love and miss you!!!
