Sunday, April 1, 2018

New Angel Moroni Statue and other pictures.

Recently our temple received a new Angel Moroni Statue. It was quite an interesting process to watch   Very little work got done in our office for a couple of hours that day. Everyone was watching the action. This picture was taken from the 2nd story window of the Stake Center (Church building) from across the parking lot. If you look closely, you can see the new statue lying on it's side on the roof of the temple. Our office building is in the background.

               The old statue being lifted out of the spire of the temple.

                                       New statue being lifted up.

                                  Close up of the new statue being lifted up.

This picture shows part of the Church complex. The Area Office, where we work, is straight across the way. The Ancillary building is to the left of the office, but the view is blocked by the temple. Over to our left (out of view) is the apartment building where the Temple President and Area
Presidency live. We are standing in the Church building and behind that is the new MTC (Mission Training Center). The street is to the right and the front of the temple faces that way.

                                              The new statue in place.

These are two of our favorite young missionaries...Elder Myers and Elder Hayes. 

                               We took them to lunch at one of our favorite places to eat. 

We are helping at the MTC intake. Every 3 weeks we get a group of about 100 new missionaries. At this table we are checking immunization records, explaining some health issues and handing out malaria pills. L-R  Sister Wakild, Sister Kacher, Sister Nash, Sister Redlin and Elder Redlin.

This is The Bountiful Tabernacle Choir. They presented a beautiful concert of sacred, folk, classical, spirituals and traditional African music. We thoroughly enjoyed the concert. 

The program took place in the Cultural Hall at the Stake Center by the temple.

                                                                I loved their outfits.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your blog and all the fotos! You guys look happy and healthy!

    Kay Rookhuyzen
