Saturday, January 20, 2018

Miscellaneous pictures and wonderful people.

This is a view of our office. We spend a lot of time here, especially Elder Wakild.

This is our sweet Faustina Badazabra. She cleans our apartment and also spends many other days at our house working on her Pathways Program. She is in her second semester and will graduate in August 2018. I have been helping her with English and Life Skills. She is so sweet and has become part of our family!
Faustina is showing us her lunch and offering us a taste! This is Kenkey, with a very HOT sauce and dried fish. Kenkey is made with corn flour, covered with corn husks and boiled until it becomes like dough. It sits for a while (maybe overnight) until it takes on a sour (fermented) taste. It is then rolled in corn husks to be served. This is a typical African meal. I am NOT a fan!

Here you see Faustina carrying our desk chair on her head.

Doesn't Faustina look beautiful in her pretty African outfit? 
Look at these cute little sisters in their beautiful dresses. We met them during our visit to the Teshie Ward.

How about this little cutie?

Here are two more darling sisters dressed in their lovely, matching dresses. We see the cutest children at church!

This picture was taken after church one Sunday recently. The man on the right is Fred Antwi Sr. He is a pioneer in the Church here in Ghana. He has a fascinating story. He now serves as the 1st Counselor in the Ghana Accra Temple Presidency. He is truly a great man! The other man spent 3 days in jail during the "Freeze." That was the period of time from June 1989 through November 1990 where the government forbade the Church from operating. They were allowed to meet in their homes in groups of two or three families. It was in his home that the members met, but to make a strong statement, he was hauled off to jail for 3 days. The ban was lifted after the government was satisfied that the Church taught obedience to government laws and racial harmony.

This is our dear friend Millicent (next to me) her daughter Emmanuella, holding the little boy and  her 11 year old niece, Vicencia, in front of Chris. The other little girl is a neighbor. We Just happened to stop by on laundry day. We love Millicent and her family.

Here we are with Millicent inside her one-room home on a different occasion. She has the most radiant smile and loves for us to visit.
I am helping Vicencia with some reading.

An innovative bed for the baby! The mom sells food beside the Nungua Library, where I volunteer every Tuesday.


  1. What terrific pictures of those you are serving and those who serve you! It looks like such a beautiful country!

  2. Beautiful pictures of beautiful people! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love your posts! The people, colors, smiles and love are amazing!

  4. I love the vibrant colors and patterns of their cloths. What a great experience you are having serving such beautiful people.
